Tourism entrepreneurs from the north of Moldova, initiated in the management of the tourist destination


The course “Management of the tourist destination”, which took place from September 12-13, BC, in Balti, had started the 5th edition of the Days of the Northern Development Region. On the first day of the Course, around 20 participants gathered: entrepreneurs in the tourism field in the region and specialists from the Northern Regional Development Agency (ADR). The two-day course is organized by ADR Nord in partnership with the Brasov County Sustainable Development Agency (ADDJB).

At the beginning of the event, Diana Josan, a specialist in the Regional Policy and External Cooperation Section (SPRCE) of ADR Nord, thanked the Romanian experts for their collaboration. “The development of rural entrepreneurship means new jobs and more opportunities for young entrepreneurs, but also for all those who want to develop businesses in our region. We are interested in expanding our horizons in this area ”, mentioned the representative of ADR Nord.

On the first day of the course, Carmen Chașovschi, the director of CERC Tourism – Center for Tourism Resources and Research at “Stefan cel Mare” University in Suceava, Romania, presented to the participants relevant information about tourism businesses. The Romanian expert referred to the components of the tourist destinations, the quality of the tourist experience in the destination, the business planning in tourism, as well as the good practices in the activity of the tourist pensions and the promotion of the tourist pensions.

In this context, the expert Carmen Chașovschi mentioned that the tourism sector is very dynamic, constantly changing, and in order to know in detail the field it is necessary for this sector to be studied especially outside the office. On Friday, September 13, on the second day of the Course, about 20 representatives of the local public authorities in the region are expected to attend.

The Days of the Northern Development Region, the 5th edition, is organized by ADR Nord, under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and the Environment, in collaboration with the City Hall of Edineț, the NGO in People Moldova, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, Soroca District Council, Sangerei District Council, Chișcăreni City Hall, Public Association “Center for Integrated Community Development” and Public Association “Pro Regional Cooperation”.

The event takes place between September 12-20, 2019, in the municipalities of Balti, Soroca, Edineț and Chiscăreni, Sangerei.