The problems of the urban revitalization area of the city of Sangerei, analyzed by specialists of North RDA


On Tuesday, September 24, the second meeting of the Advisory Commission for the elaboration of the Urban Revitalization Program was held in the premises of the City of Sangerei.

During the meeting, the members of the Commission worked on the analysis of the urban revitalization area of ​​the town of Sangere. Thus, the main problems specific to the area were identified, while their causes and effects were analyzed.

The role of the Advisory Commission is to identify and discuss aspects of urban revitalization, to formulate and prioritize revitalization needs, to identify the development potential of urban revitalization areas, to plan project ideas, and to discuss and see Urban Revitalization Program.

We remind that ADR Nord offers technical support for the elaboration of the urban revitalization programs for the cities of Sangerei and Drochia.

The support is provided within the project „Support for the administration of the Republic of Moldova in the implementation of the National Strategy for Regional Development for the years 2016-2020 through integrated and sustainable urban development”, implemented by the Ministry of Investments and Economic Development of the Republic of Poland in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and the Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the Representation of the Solidarity Fund PL Foundation.

The project is financially supported through the funds of the Polish Development Cooperation Program of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Polish Aid.